Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Road to 2

I am a planner. I love to organize, plan, whatever you want to call it - but I love to put on events. I started pre-planning her birthday party right before Christmas. I did ask her what type of party she wanted. She said Care Bears (really?). I didn't like her answer, so I went into creative mode. I decided that for the first 3 years, it's up to me (it's really about us parents at this point, right?). Then she will get to pick. 

I have been shopping and planning for all of the details since March. I am beginning the creation preparations for her "Butterfly Kisses" themed party.  I can't wait to post pics! Here is her photo that we put on her party invitations. I had Natty Sue Designs make her invitation. Her is a link to her blog:

We had this one made:

That is it for now....

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Abby decided that she wanted me to take some photos of her. I just loved this one!

New Beginnings

So here is my first attempt at doing a blog. I have no idea on what this will turn into, but I thought why not give it a try.

My name is Nicole. My husband - Scott, darling daughter - Abigail, and I live in Oregon. We are all natives and love it here. Well, we could use more sun! My husband is a United States Navy Chief Petty Officer and for his civilian job works in IT. Our daughter will be 2 soon (enough said). I am currently a stay at home mom, but have been in sales my entire life (it seems). Yes, selling candy bars and Girl Scout cookies count! Last September, I became an Advisor with lia sophia jewelry. I love their products. My thought was, jewelry has always fit me no matter what size I am at the time (pregnant or not). I am a BLING! girl and knew this was a good way to fulfill that need too. I love to volunteer for various organizations in my community, church, and anything I can keep myself busy doing. I am a scrapbooker and make handmade cards. I truly enjoy any type of craft that lets my creative juices flowing. I have been actively involved with pageants for just about 28 years.

I hope you enjoy more updates, as they come!
