Monday, July 11, 2011

Time Flies!

Okay, so there is good reason that it's been awhile since I have posted. SUMMER! I feel like it's the season of time warps. It goes by so fast, yet nothing seems to get done. Hence, why I haven't posted in awhile.

I have some amazing pictures of Abby's 2nd Birthday party that I have been meaning to post, and eventually will. I love photography and scrapbooking, yet these are the 2 hobbies that have seemed to go on the sidelines until I manage my ever-growing pile of coupons. Yes, I have turned into a Krazy Couponer. I am not too extreme. Just learning the ropes really.

So beyond just being busy with loving on my family. I have been working on building my Lia Sophia Jewelry business. I want to be able to do things for my family that are just currently dreams. I love wearing the jewelry too!

Scott has been staying busy between work, Navy, & volunteering for church whether in the Preschool or doing Video.

Speaking of preschool, Abby was accepted into the Big Little School and will be attending this Fall. She is so excited! As soon as daddy came home the day we received the letter, she told him she needed a backpack. We were both taken aback. I didn't tell her that was an item she needed. She figured it out all on her own (well, I think Dora & Elmo have helped).

Signing off for tonight, but just sayin'...TIME FLIES!